Why Do Retrofits Require a Radon Barrier?
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Retrofitting a building is all about positive change. Done properly and with care, a retrofit can transform a property into a sustainable, 21st century structure fit to last for many years to come.
While aesthetics are an important factor when it comes to retrofitting, ensuring the home is an energy efficient, safe environment for its inhabitants is crucial. Retrofitting can come with consequences if environmental factors aren’t taken into consideration and radon exposure is one of them.
Our Founder and Managing Director, Adam White, tells us more about Radon and how our radon membrane Passive Purple Radon Red can help…
Why Do We Retrofit?
There are several reasons why we retrofit houses, and one of the most important is environmental. In the past, buildings weren’t constructed with energy efficiency in mind. So to increase the energy performance of our homes as well as reducing energy bills, retrofitting is necessary.
Steps such as insulating walls effectively and ensuring buildings are airtight can have a hugely positive impact both environmentally and on people’s wallets. There is also a need to upgrade dwellings to make them more comfortable for the inhabitants as well as modernising them aesthetically to bring them into the 21st century.
What is Radon?
Radon is a radioactive gas. It has no colour or smell so its presence can only be measured by using special detectors. It is found when rocks and soil decay which puts small amounts of uranium into the atmosphere. You tend to find radon all over the place, but levels are higher in certain buildings and structures and in certain areas of the country.
The Radon Risk
Exposure to Radon can cause serious health risks including lung cancer. As more homes are retrofitted there is a danger that Radon is being trapped in ground which hasn’t been treated with a radon barrier. This, combined with poor ventilation can lead to exposure to Radon which can have health implications for the inhabitants. These risks underline why retrofits must be delivered professionally and to the correct standard.
The Solution: Passive Purple Radon Red
Radon barrier installation can be a tedious job, our Passive Purple Radon Red is made specifically for the retrofit market. It is certified as a Radon Barrier and ensures radon can’t enter your building. As with all of our Passive Purple range it can be spray or roll applied and it’s distinct, red colouring leaves and indelible reminder that a radon membrane is in place.
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