Inside to Out! From Waterproof Blue Liquid DPM, Passive Purple
Liquid Airtight Vapour Control, Passive Purple External Weatherproof Façade Breather Membrane and Intelligent windows club Passivhaus window range! This home has it all!
In the quite village of Arrington just outside Cambridge, a local 5-
minute drive from our facility here at Intelligent membranes, this
timber frame kit manufactured and erected by White-haus bespoke
timber frame. Was erected with a hand cut roof consisting of
stunning Oak feature trusses.
Firstly, on the kicker blocks/damp course for the timber frame kit to
sit on. Waterproof blue liquid DPM was applied around the whole
base in place of traditional methods of DPM on a roll. This new DPM
technology allows for easy fast placement and full watertightness
and perfect for other liquid products to join to! Leaving no gap or
block untreated. Once sealed onto with Passive purple and passive
purple external, this is a complete weathertight and airtight seal for
the building.
Once the kit is up and complete the external of the building was
prepped and sprayed with Passive Purple External giving it, its
complete weatherproofing and breather membrane. This is now
ready for counter battens for the cladding to be fixed to. Once dry
our rubber like feel membrane can take mechanical fixings which
penetrate the membrane and that the membrane itself tightens as if
to suck the fixing into itself, leaving no splits or gaps.
This particular build had a 50mm PIR insulation board added to the
internal side of the timber frame kit. Once this was complete, we
used Passive Purple Brush on the joints and over all the screw fixing
penetrations as these are all high movement areas and are now
strengthened by our fibre reinforced version of Passive Purple. Then of course once the preparation works have been seen to in detail, we give the internal side its final coat of the spray applied liquid airtight vapour control barrier, Passive Purple!
Lastly, now that the Passivhaus standard windows by Intelligent
Windows have been installed and sealed we go back round one last
time with Passive Purple BRUSH and seal the already airtight
perimeter to make sure that longevity and efficiency stays 100%
throughout its lifecycle. With a 45% elongation this product will not
split with building settlement/movement, or overtime deteriorate
like some products can do, guaranteeing 100% airtightness for its