Is Passivhaus Worth The Cost?
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One of the most common questions related to Passivhaus is: “Is it worth the cost?”
Of course, having a home which is energy efficient and cleaner for the environment is desirable with benefits such as lower long term utility bills and increased comfort. But is spending valuable pennies up front a wise move?
The drive to hit net zero targets by 2050 has increased focus on greener housing meaning Passivhaus is in the news now more than ever.
So, should you invest in a Passivhaus or even upgrade your current property to Passivhaus standards?
What is a Passivhaus?
A Passivhaus is a property that meets the rigorous Passivhaus Standard which means world leading energy efficiency, thermal performance and construction methods.
Materials used are also a key factor, with high levels of insulation and high quality doors and windows all playing their part in achieving the Passivhaus Standard.
Crucially, Passivhaus is good for the environment because it doesn’t rely on old fashioned, high emission heating systems.
Given the UK’s drive to hit net zero halfway through this century this is an important benefit.
Will I Get a Return On Investment With Passivhaus?
You’d be forgiven for thinking that a Passivhaus brings with it huge cost implications. After all, we are talking about properties utilising modern technology, building practices and materials.
In reality, upfront costs are likely to be higher but not to the degree that you might expect.
A recent study showed the overall capital cost uplift was just 0.9% and 0.04% for a newbuild and deep refurbishment respectively. This shows that a relatively small outlay can reap big benefits in terms of energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions which all leads to more pennies in the pocket.
Overall, it’s best to look at a Passivhaus as an investment where the initial cost will be recouped over a longer period of time.
What Are The Benefits of A Passivhaus?
We have already touched on energy savings, which as a result means more pounds in your pocket thanks to lower utility bills, but there are many other benefits to consider.
Due to the materials used, such as high-performing windows with thicker glass and strong, sturdy doors with multiple latches, a Passivhaus provides a safe and secure environment for its inhabitants.
Noise pollution is also reduced, while the impressive thermal performance of the property provides a high level of comfort for the occupants. There is also a positive health benefit of living in a Passivhaus with ventilation systems providing a steady stream of high-quality fresh air.
To find out more about Passivhaus or to speak to an expert, call 01223 080821
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